Welcome to willguru

About Us

WillGuru is India’s leading provider of Online Will writing services. We are a team of leading advocates and IT professionals who joined hands to provide the best of both worlds. Our online questionnaire is simple and easy to understand and we do not use any complex jargons in our Will so that you can easily understand your Will. We have truly made the Will so simple that you can easily complete the Will in the comfort of your home.

We have developed a unique algorithm which can highlight all the possible issues in your Will and rectify them with the help of legal experts who review your case.

We are the ONLY providers in India who do a six-eye verification of your Will which is not currently matched by any other Will writer in India – either online or offline.

We have introduced India’s first tamper-proof Will.

You have the option to keep the Will in our safe custody at no extra cost to you. This itself saves you 1000’s of Rupees per year compared to our competitors.

Once the Will is ready, you have 30days to update anything in your Will free of cost.

We offer unlimited updates at a discounted fee(upto 80%) when your personal circumstances changes